We cover a lot of ground here at EXIT. Last week, we had a presentation on interviewing for software jobs. The week before that, we learned about becoming a general contractor without trades experience. Last night, we did a book club on How to Win Friends and Influence People. Next week, one of the guys is going to teach us how to grow fruit trees and raise honeybees.
What makes all this stuff hang together?
They’re all answers to one question: can we get what we need?

A guy with a software job — a real software job, not a TikTok one — can work for anyone, from anywhere, and there’s almost no version of the future in which his skills will not be in demand. He is not just independent of his job; he can jump to a new political jurisdiction without wondering how he’ll feed his family when he gets there.
The same is true of a general contractor: skilled tradesmen aren’t always skilled project managers or salesmen, and there will always be a need for coordination. Guys who can Win Friends and Influence People will always be in demand, whether they’re connecting programmers with VC money, or smuggling soap and cigarettes and razor blades into Sarajevo.
And while our enemies use supply chain disruption and “ESG” meddling in food production to consume small producers and consolidate power, their policy tools mostly target convenient choke points: processing, distribution, and large-scale production. They’d have a much harder time preventing you from raising chickens or rabbits in your backyard, or storing a year’s supply of food.
If you can get what you need without a corporate employer or a big-box store, without checking your social credit score or asking permission to spend your digital salary — if you can quit your job, pull your kids out of school, and skip town if you have to — then you’re sovereign in all the ways that matter to ordinary people.
If that’s what you want, we’re here to help you get it. But if you want to take your country back, that kind of sovereignty is just the price of admission. There are so many good things you could accomplish, so many things you need to say and do that you will never say or do if you’re storing your balls in an Amazon cloud server.
We’ve got experts in software development, trades, sales, homesteading, self-defense, entrepreneurship, and we’re getting out together. Join us at exitgroup.us.
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